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EviL.Inside Security System [Boxed] v1.06

EviL.Inside Security System [Boxed] v1.06

EviL.Inside Security System by Level 2:

Copyable security system for group land or your own land
2 Prims for group land are needed and no prims are needed if are the full owner of the land

The EviL.Inside Security System is a great tool to manage your land or group land
The system is HUD controlled or can be rezed as a dedicated security system

Eject - Ejects the specified avatar
Ban - Bans the specified avatar (for 2 hours)
TP Home - Teleports home the specified avatar
UnSit - UnSits the specified avatar
Warn - Sends a dialog message to the avatar informing them they have 10 seconds to leave the area
Hello - Greets the specified avatar with a nice dialog Hello
Info - Request the avatars current status (Walking, Flying, Hovering, Sitting, Running, or just doing nothing)

1. If you are going to be using this system on group land: you MUST rez and deed the Ejector to the group the land is deeded to first before attaching your HUD
2. If you own the land and it is yours (not group owned) you do not need to rez the Ejector
3. Once you attach the HUD the system will initialize and boot
4. Touch the EviL.Inside HUD to get a selection of avatars withing a 96 meter radius
5. If you don't see the avatar you are looking for hit the "NEXT" or "PREVIOUS" buttons
6. Once you select your avatar from the menu, you will be presented with the following options:
Eject - Ejects the specified avatar
Ban - Bans the specified avatar (for 2 hours)
TP Home - Teleports home the specified avatar
UnSit - UnSits the specified avatar
Warn - Sends a dialog message to the avatar informing them they have 10 seconds to leave the area
Hello - Greets the specified avatar with a nice dialog Hello



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