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Explodable Rope Bridge

Explodable Rope Bridge

This bride is a simple, straightforward ordinary rope bridge - except that this bridge can be blown up! When impacted by bullets and other projectiles (*) the bridge calculates damage, and when it has been damaged enough it will explode over the landscape.

The bridge is Mod/Copy (scripts are copy only) so you can rez as many as you need, or keep a backup copy, etc.

To install, just rez the Bridge and position it to where you would like it. That's it!

When the bridge is struck by bullets or other projectiles (*) it calculates damage, and if it is damaged enough it will blow up.

When the bridge explodes the actual bridge vanishes in a blast of noise and smoke, and broken bridge pieces are strewn in its place. The broken pieces are temp/physical and will vanish on their own in about 1 minute. After 2 minutes, the bridge will be restored.

(*) Bullets / projectiles must be scripted physical objects in order to be counted for damage. Damage is calculated as a function of mass and speed, so larger and/or faster objects will do more damage than slower / smaller ones. The bridge does not function with combat systems such as CCC, TCS, et cetera - only physical scripted bullets / projectiles will hurt it.

The bridge is 27 prims, and the blown up bridge parts are 27 temp-on-rez prims.

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