G Général

Explorer Cave

Explorer Cave

Discover hidden passageways in this awesome explorer cave! Residence structure

Voir l'article dans Second Life
  • Discover hidden passageways
  • Second floor living area
  • Balcony
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Nice idea
full star full star full star full star empty star Publié le 7/7/2011 de sirhc Weatherwax

I was looking for ideas for a venue I was putting together and grabbed this as hey for 10L what can go wrong? Its not what I was looking for but its a nice build anyway, pretty well put together using an interesting mix of prim params with nary a sculpt in sight , and yes its a cave. I like it.

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Better like it where it is
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Publié le 22/11/2010 de Kimberly Jansen

The invisible walls stay after you pick the cave up leaving you with barriers in your space, you can stand in mid air and walk into invisible walls that you can't see with see transparent or click on to pick up. I would pass on this product.

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