::: Expression Face HUD :::
19 kinds of expressions can be done.
It loops at random 19 kinds of expressions automatically.
It operates also in the script prohibition area.
Low load.
For Professionals.
1. Afraid
2. Anger
3. Bored
4. Cry
5. Disdain
6. Embarrassed
7. Frown
8 .Kiss
9. Laugh
10. OpenMouth
11. Repulsed
12. Sad
13. Shrug
14. Smile
15. Surprise
16. Tongue
17. ToothSmile
18. Wink
19. Worry
Loop. It loops at random 19 kinds of expressions automatically.
::: My in world boutique ::: Kazu Pinklady :::
Miss Cedarbridge
My Rating Value (is) 5 Stars enuff said
Pretty awesome.
At L$1 this is a really great deal. Easy to use menu for timing, great for photos.
I LOVE IT! The options to loop the expressions is so great. Thank you!