F-Guard is honored to present its 1k System in the All-in-one package.
The Package comes with the F-Guard 1k Guardian System (please read description here:
the F-Guard 1K FaControl – Facility Control System (please read description here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/F-Guard-1K-FaControl-Facility-Control-System/7805488?lang=en-US )
the F-Guard 1K Dispatch System Lite (please read description here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/F-Guard-1K-Dispatch-Lite-Emergency-Dispatcher-System/7805487 )
plus additional fancy items which cannot be found in any of the other stand-alone packages.
A Dispatcher chair to keep your dispatcher seated. An Alarm Map Monitor which will automatically display the location of a 1K Guardian Main Station in alarm mode (works together with the standard alarm screen or the medium desk). A Dispatcher Desk in which includes the Dispatch System, the Facility Control and the Receiver Screen for Guardian Alarms and the All-in-one Dispatcher Desk which includes Facility Control, Alarm Receiver for the Guardian System, incl. Map Monitor and the Dispatch System with the possibility to display the feedback of your respective staff on received pager alarms.
A full list of the items inside the package can be seen via the pictures. The System is displayed at the F-Guard Mainstore in-world and can be tested there.
Download instructions See item in Second Lifewasted my linden on this.
This sits in my inventory and is way too complicated takes forever to set up, tons of prims, and does not offer the versatility of other systems. Customer support...........joke. Only buy this if your looking for something to tear your hair out trying to set up.
SL Needed this
There have been products that almost met the needs this has, but to date none have come as close. Thank you F-Guard for filling a void in SL Emergency Services role play!