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■▀████■rWarder Ready■████▀■
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This product works with rWarder System!
Leave a review on this item and get your reward in the mainstore inworld! (*)
Sexy Miss Rabbit FULL AVATAR
Avatar Items:
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Skin (copy)
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Shape (copy & mod)
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Eyebrows (copy & mod)
Clothing Items:
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Top (Shirt Layer)
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Skirt (Skirt Layer)
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Gloves (Gloves Layer)
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Glitchpants (Pants Layer)
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Undies (Underpants Layer)
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Shoe-shape (shoe layer) (no modify, you foot size need to be 0)
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit alpha v2 shoes (works only with viewers who use SL viewer 2 as base
Prim items:
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Hair
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Pump L
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Pump R
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Earring L
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Earring R
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Pump L viewer 2
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Pump r viewer 2
- !!Lusty!! Hair Recolor/Retexture/Resize HUD 3.0d
Bonus Items:
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Boa (Bonus Item)
- !!Lusty!! Jessica Rabbit Microphone (Bonus Item)
- !!Lusty!! Sexy Miss Rabbit Eye Lashes (Bonus Item)
ALL Lusty-items are No Transfer so there are No Refunds or Exchanges possible!
Lusty does NOT sell transferable items.
How to use the Recolor/Retexture/Resize HUD
1. Wear your hair
2. Wear the Lusty Hair Recolor/Retexture/Resize HUD
3. Wait until all is loaded
4. choose the given options on the left side panel (hair for this design)
5. See the tabs above for more additional choices
6. De-attach the hud when you are done.
Re-attach the hud for remodeling again, or touch the hair to get a more simpler sl-menu
If you want to remove the scripts after you are done to avoid lag, please make a copy or your hair first before doing so. This way you always have a scripted version in your inventory when you in the future decide to change size, color or texture.
FYI The hud also give you the opportunity to change the size of your hair. But the hair is ALSO manual modifiable. So you have total freedom to adjust every single prim as well in edit mode!
How to use Pumps
Click on one of the pumps for the Menu.
-Toggle Walk On/Off
-Toggle Sound On/Off
-Set Volume
If you did not receive the folder, or accidentally clicked "decline", or accidentally paid double, there are two things you can do. Email us, or submit a support ticket on our website. Please follow one of the options below to give you the right support a.s.a.p.
1. Go to www.secondlife.com and login with your avatar name and password.
2. Click on "Account", and then click on "Transaction History".
3. Copy your payment with transactions number and details. (CTRL+C)
4. Go to our support site http://www.lustycreations.com/support-center/
5. Click on "Open a Ticket".
6. Paste the details in the ticket (CTRL+V), and add extra information if necessary.
7. Fill in your SL first and last name (if you have no last name, use "resident") in the fields below the ticket and hit the "send ticket" button.
1. Go to www.secondlife.com and login with your avatar name and password.
2. Click on "Account", and then click on "Transaction History".
3. Copy your payment with transactions number and details. (CTRL+C)
4. Paste it a new email-message (CTRL+V), and add extra information if necessary.
5. Send it to info@lustycreations.com with the following subject:
"Item Not Received Lusty - Your Avatar name".
For Example: Item Not Received Lusty - Jane Doe
(*) How does rWarder work?
Leave a review on this product, and come visit the mainstore of Lusty. You will find a rWarder terminal.
Click on it, and type in local chat the product name.The terminal will send you L$ or a gift as a reward!!
- Incl. Skin, hair, shape & eyebrows
- Incl. Shoes with sexy ao and sound (can be turned off)
- Incl. Bonus Item White Boa (modifiable so color can be changed!)
- Incl. Bonus Item Eye Lashes
- Incl. Bonus Item Microphone