[Fairport] Sasumata Mancatcher
Real Life History and Specs:
Type of weapon: Polearm
Origin: Japan
Time period: Approximately 1336 AD to 1868 AD
The sasumata is essentially a spear with a crescent moon shaped blade (sometimes sharpened sometimes not) for a head. Underneath the head there would be several rows of spikes or sharpened protrusions on the shaft. The purpose of this weapon was to capture criminals and violent individuals; the blade generally pinning the unruly victim against a wall and if the blade were sharpened the target would be cut or injured if they did not cease resistance and the spikes on the shaft would prevent them from grabbing the sasumata to move it away. Other recorded uses of the sasumata include knocking mounted individuals off of horses, as well as occasionally being used as a fire-fighing tool to break down walls or ceilings either to gain access to trapped victims or to help stop the spread of a fire. The weapon can and has been used in a deadly manner (specifically samurai in various battles,) but it was typically more of a non-lethal restraining device for Japanese police during feudal times.
SL Specs
- Does linden damage, untested with other combat systems.
Chat Commands (channel 0 or channel 72)
(Gestures with shortcuts to some commands are included in the pack)
Function / Command
**Please note, if you wish to damage, make sure you are enabled in damage mode; ie: if you are in push mode switch to damage by using the 'enable damage mode' command. There are three settings for damage once you have enabled this mode: low, high, fatal. Damage is determined by the mass of your enemy. That's right, the larger or smaller your enemy avatar's mass alters the amount of damage one can do to them in a Linden damage zone. On average, however, low does about 7-13% damage on a hit, high does 30-40% on a hit, and fatal does 80-100% damage on a hit.
Enable damage mode: damage
Set low on damage mode: low
Set high on damage mode: high
Set fatal on damage mode: fatal
Enable practice mode (does 0 damage): practice
Enable push mode: push
Sling: sling
Draw: draw
To fight once your weapon is drawn, then press one of the following keys for a different attack:
*Note: combo attacks (one key + another) must be done very quickly, both keys pressed at the same time. It can take some practice to successfully do if one is not used to it.
Or if you prefer the directional keys on your keyboard:
left + right
up + down
right + up
left + up.
*Note: combo attacks (one key + another) must be done very quickly, both keys pressed at the same time. It can take some practice to successfully do if one is not used to it.
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