G Général

*Felicity* Snow Queen - Empire Waist Dress (Baby Doll)

*Felicity* Snow Queen - Empire Waist Dress (Baby Doll)

Please Note: This was designed prior to mesh. Older, Vintage SL Clothing.

Empire waist dress with two skirt options...sheer and opaque. Arm puffs with and without bling included, sculpted bows on the back. Clothing on all layers. Easily recolored to any color. Tinting instructions included.

This is part of the Snow Queen Ballet Set with different ballet tutus. The entire set (with 50 pieces) can be purchased at a discount.

Stop by the stores to see more, search in-world for Felicity...
Felicity Main Store at Emerald Bay (211, 201, 301) http://slurl.com/secondlife/Emerald%20Bay/211/201/301

Visit the Felicity blog: http://felicityoverlord.blogspot.com

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