The TBF Festive Summer Garden Set features the following:
A Picnic Table & Bench (LI=5) with
- 6 seats
- 29 animations
- Save camera view
- Auto-save personalized adjustments for 29 animations × 250 unique users
A Festive Lights set (LI ranges from 1 to 4 for each element) with
- A pole in a rusty bucket and a long, medium, short & downward light cable
- 14 colors and color combinations
- Access to owner/group/everyone
- Linkable, auto-delete of excess scripts
A Wide Candles set (LI=1, each candle) with
- 7 colors
- Realistic candle flame & on/off sounds
- Access to owner/group/everyone
- Linkable, auto-delete of excess scripts
Several pre-built configurations
User manual notecards
* Disclaimer: The items are Mod. The scripts inside are No Mod.
See item in Second Life