/// THIS IS A LEGACY PRODUCT! I no longer have the files and do not plan on updating this, please be aware of this. IT IS AN OLD PRODUCT AND WILL BE RETIRED SOON ///
Thanks for viewing my product! This is a re-listing of my TWI mod.
Any questions or concerns? Contact Fidgets
Been using this for years!
The only mod I use for this avatar! Love love love this! so well done, Thank you!
Great mod!!
Shiba inu are my favourite breed of dog and this mod does extremely well!! I was anxious before buying it because I wasn't sure if it came with the distinctive curly shiba tail and the picture here didn't really show very well, but it DOES come with the tail and it matches the AV really well, but you might have to resize and reposition it (I had to with my Smallest size that came with my TWI avatar).
Definitely the best Shiba mod I've seen!