Demo the turning front end and some other features in ACS v6.02 Vehicle Operating System demo bike.
Click on bike for menu, under Options and Advanced to get a Driver HUD and help notecard.
Read all about the features and options for the number one bestselling ACS Vehicle Operating System at:
ACSv6 Demo Bike
Demonstrates the stock v6.0 configuration and engine with the optional setup for turning front end, complete with passenger.
- Shift keys by default are shift+ left/right arrows. To use E/C/PageUp/PageDown shifting, choose Shift Style from the > Options, > Advanced menu.
- Get a driver HUD from the > Options, > Advanced menu
- The "Start Parked" option is on, it can be switched to start automatically on sit by clicking "Start Parked" from the > Options, >Advanced, >Extras menu
The optional KCPAINT system is installed in the tank and fenders, which allows customization of prims on no modify vehicles by saying UUID in chat.
Also the GFX-TC system is in place that reads a notecards for textures, as well as color and shine levels on other specified parts.
- motorcycle parts & supplies
- full permission chopper parts
Great Detailed Model!
I thought the details on the bike were very high quality along with the high-detailed seat of the bike. A nice looking bike for sure! Could attract lots of babes.
why only motorcycle !
I wanted to purchase a script for boats , this script should be for boats too , but the demo only a bike , how the owner make a demo boat .