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Full Perm GIANT ORNAMENTS (very big)

Full Perm GIANT ORNAMENTS (very big)

Full Perm GIANT ORNAMENTS (very big)

Less than 1 LI each at AMAZING sizes... 5 linked stays at 3 land impact up until over 5 x and y.

These are specifically designed to be larger and work at LOD 2... additionally, I have added a higher LOD one that works at smaller sizes with the same LOD (2).

Included in this package is also an AO for if shadow is on the bottom, an AO if shadow is on the side, an AO for if the shadow is on the top.

A Merry Christmas ornament texture is included.

These are easy to texture... straight across designing in a single map.

These PBR are textured using simply color.

This Product includes all AOs, Diffuse (TXs), NRMs, SPECs, and PBR materials.

~~New Full Perm Items are located here:

~~Some DAE and Blender files are available here:

~~Chris' MP - for other rezzers and/or animations

*For Redeliveries from the older store/shops please check "Inworld Store" and see "Redelivery" terminals.*


The MP is located:

PLEASE note there are NO REFUNDS... can't find it in the store? Ask, I have everything readily available to show.

Questions... check the blog... IM me or send me a NC

Please remember I cannot help you if you don't tell me there is a problem.

TOS - - https://dragonsworn-events.blogspot.com/p/tos-for-all-full-perm-products.html

This is a FULL PERM item and you can use this in your builds and sell it in your store.

YOU CAN use it as a GIFT for your group or a hunt... IF YOU use YOUR own textures and give it away as NO MODIFY and NO TRANSFER.

You CANNOT use the advertisement provided with the package for YOUR packaged sales - no part of it either.

You CANNOT give this package full perm to anyone NOT even alts. THIS DOES NOT HAVE A DAE and no, they will not be provided.

You may not give these away under any conditions where the item allows the buyer to have full permissions or to resell this item.

ALL sales or gifts must be "no modify" and "no transfer" OR NO COPY AND NO MODIFY - and have your own textures (or textures you have license to use, but are NOT in this package).

It is recommended that you add a prim to your items prior to reselling them, in order for you to have "your name" on them. I will not be able to help your customers if they ask, nor will Christoph (and we are who they will contact if you don't add a prim with your name).

This product is not permitted to be taken to other grids, and there are no DAE files provided.

PLEASE note there are NO REFUNDS... use redelivery or contact Annakari.Genesis if any problems.

Thank you!
Annakari Dragonsworn
Christoph Dragonsworn

See item in Second Life
  • large as a house
  • outdoor ornaments
  • HUGE Christmas ornaments
  • easy to add textures
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Very big, Beautiful Textrures and very low land Impact
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 23, 2024 by Amanda Dench

Very big, Beautiful Textrures and very low land Impact. What more could you ask for. Thank you!

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