Full Perm Mesh Female Boots Emile (Rigged Maitreya, Slink, Belleza (Freya, Venus) & Classic rigged & non-rigged)
Full Perm Mesh Female Boots Emile (Rigged Maitreya, Slink, Belleza (Freya, Venus) & Classic rigged & non-rigged versions)
Package contains:
: Mesh
: Maps
: Textures (2 textures)
: Masks & shoe base (for classic feet)
You might need to wear mesh body feet base or use Alpha hud for each mesh feet if it is necessary.
Terms and Conditions
: Items cannot be sold as it is (same model and with my textures) in Second Life inworld or on Marketplace. You can modify textures and models.
: My items cannot be sold with the same textures provided (You are allowed to sell with my textures in full avatar Outfit Creations)
: You shall not under any condition share, sell or give UV maps, shadow maps, textures or any other material that helps builders to create their products using these items. (except Masks and Alpha textures)
: The selling price cannot be less than 30 L$ (After modifying the model's textures or if you are using in full Outfit Creation).
: The clothes, accessories, outfits you make from my Mesh templates, textures or other objects cannot be re-sold as templates, kits or full permission.
: This item or The clothing made from these templates cannot be sold or given away in any freebie store.
Please, send notecards in the world if you have any queries or questions.
For more full perm items, please have a look at my store: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/212382
Thanks for your interest and cooperation.
Perfect rigged fit to Belleza Freya
They're a perfect rigged fit to Belleza Freya. Exactly what I was looking for
L$ 400
Use It Now
This item will be delivered directly to you or a friend in Second Life, unpacked and ready to use. No land or sandbox required.
This item contains wearable items for your avatar.
More info
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- User Licensed