> Simple Sign Board (0.5 LI) - Simple sign board with only the ambient occlusion/shadowmap texture set in.
> Simple Sign Board (0.5 LI) TEXTURED - Simple sign board with pre-made wood textures applied with materials!
> Sign board AO, FR, nrm, spc - Textures for the sign board, with AO (shadow map/ambient occlusion), FR (full render or pre-made texture), nrm (normals/bump map for the FR), and spc (specular map for the FR). Please do not use the nrm and the spc materials, for your custom map!
> Sign board Text Template - A template fro you to accurately place your text down on the signboard! Download this and load it up in a photo editing software (Photoshop or GIMP), and add in your own text or signs!
> UV checker - > UV checker - Wanna check which goes where? use this and match it up to the grid to find out what part is what on the map in relation to the sign board!
I made them because a friend needed a better low land impact gritty signboard! It wasn't too difficult to make, so consider it as a free gift to spread around the grid!
> Can you give me a download to the .dae file?
It's a free item, and it's likely an item I've scrapped wiping off my desktop. These aren't something I'd save immediately and upload it onto a 'dropbox' to take up space, so really, I can not provide you .dae files.
There are trumpets constantly spouting fanfare to announce my arrival to the area, as well as light rays constantly following me generated though unknown means.
FEEL FREE to give these out to anyone/do anything you want with it. These were made because I needed a sign board, and didn't feel they should be monetized due to its simplicity. I hope you find use in them as much as I do!
Remember, sharing is caring, and caring means sharing! Now go out there and make some sweet builds, sweetcheeks!
Best Regards,
Walton F. Wainwright (Faust.Steamer)
- With physics!
- Editable sign map included for text!
- Includes ambient occlusion map/shadow map and a pre-made texture with materials!
- Decent LOD signboards costing about 0.5 land impact!
One word : Perfect
Hello Walton. This is a perfect creation for my use. The wood texture is perfect. It's easy to change de text and add it with one face texture selected. Just dont forget to change the red tint or your white or yellow characters stays... red with your new texture ! All perfect. Thank you Walton.
thank you for this great item
using your sign board as a multi-destination teleporter on my land, works fine
Most Excellent!
Perfect for my needs, and very easy to use. Thank you so much! ^-^