G-Steel Series
dcs2 ccs warps compatible
The Ultimate Staff:
- Full MONO scripted.
- Fast Melee weapon
- Sculpted Prims.
- Custom Sound.
- Custom Texture.
- Faster CombatScript
- Avanced Particles effect.
- You can put DCS2 impaler or other DCS2 damage enchanter, not incluse.
This is very fast CombatScript, for better performance set you avatar running before attack.
The commands are draw & sheath in general chat or you can use the custom gesture sell for FREE at our main shop.
once the weapons is drawed you can control by holding left mouse button + WASD button.
Sometimes, in some land the enchanted combatscript can have a little bug, to debug u can try to:
-Reset the script from menù
-Drop and take the item bugged
-make sure if the land is dcs or ccs compatible
-make sure if the land have script blocked
-try the item in a different land
The staff is modificable only to put in the impaler or other things
Don't change texture or structure of the staff, because the script could be instable.
We decline responsability about this!
Thank'you so much!
G-Steel Staff.
visit our land in world:
Arcadia officinae - G-Steel shop