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GD Vehicle Rezzing Pad v1

GD Vehicle Rezzing Pad v1
GD Vehicle Rezzing Pad v1
8 Reviews

Thank you for your interest in Gunrunner's Depot Vehicle Rezzing Pad!

Do you have a lot of vehicles? Perhaps you've got a large vessel, and you'd like to easily add to it's stable of auxiliary craft? Well, look no further! The VRP is designed with large vessels (or watercraft) in mind, to add functionality to these complex and expensive assets. With a click, you can rez any number of vehicles right off the VRP, using it's simple, menu-driven interface. And you can add as many vehicles to the VRP as you like!

But the VRP isn't limited to a deck fitting on a big starship. Set it on the roof of your office building or home, and have your favorite craft ready to go with just a click. Drop it in your driveway, and have an instant 24+ car garage at your fingertips. No more leafing through inventory to find your ride of the day, just click on your VRP!

As a bonus, we've even included 2 vehicles preloaded into your VRP, a Personal Transport Pod, and a SkyRaider HoverCycle!

build building platform landing pad rezzer rez vehicle craft ship boat starship spaceship car plane airplane automobile helo helicopter truck

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full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted July 14, 2017 by Lulu Feiri

script no mod

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 26, 2009 by Carolyn Saarinen

A handy and fun thing for the flight deck. It can - of course - only take copyable vehicles, but then, in SL who's crazy enough to buy a non-copy vehicle? Another restriction is that the vehicle name, including spaces, can only be 24 characters. Long names can't be displayed on the menu buttons anyway - not the creators fault - but it gave me a problem, as vehicles with 24+ character names don't show up on the menu, even in abbreviated form I contacted the creator and got a prompt response on the matter. So, five stars for a handy thing and good customer support.

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L$ 100

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Gunrunner's Depot
Gunrunner's Depot
Sold by: Rade Bailey

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