1. Introduction
These pony-mounted gatling guns are pretty simple to use, simply attach the guns, and click on them to fire, or go into mouselook mode and fire them that way!
They come in two colors, light blue (cyan), and pink. Of course, being modable, you can change the colors however you wish!
Also, each gatling gun comes in two parts, a left half, and a right half. You can wear one half, or both! It's up to you! Enjoy!
The bullets each do 10 SL damage, multiplied by the rapid-fire of dual gatling guns!
These are fitted by default to Equestria's Pride [EP] Pony avatars.
I hope you have as much fun using this weapon as I did making it!
2. Version History
* Reduced auto-check for lost mouselook controls to from 20 to 15 seconds.
* Brand name change to Geckonaut Gadgets.
* Initial release.
3. Features
* Fully Scripted
Shoot bullets all over!
* Fully Mesh
This weapon is all mesh except for the projectiles (mesh can be troublesome for projectiles), and two invisible particle emitter prims, one for the muzzle flash, and one for the spent shell casings that spew out.
Every piece except for the gun barrels has a separate, inverted mesh prim for cell shading outlines. The gun barrels have the outlining built into the same prim, as it was impossible to get the outlining prim to spin in-sync with the normal prim.
* Mod permission granted
The (main) scripts are no mod, but errythang else is!
* Toony Style
Bright, "cell shaded" cartoony look jives well with MLP avatars.
* Custom Particle Colors
The muzzle flash and spent shell casing particles can be color customized.
The bullet sparks and explosion particles can be color customized.
* Special Effects
Wind up and wind down animation and sound effects for when the weapon starts and stops firing!
The ammo belt animations when firing!
Sounds, particles, oh my!
* Smart Projectiles
Bullets self destruct when travelling into no-object land.
* Mouselook Control Checks
The weapon auto-checks for lost mouselook controls every 15 seconds.
4. Updates
Product updates are now handled through the CasperVend system. This means the weapon no longer checks for a new version whenever you equip it. Any and all new versions of this product that are released will be offered to customers who bought previous versions, free of charge.
5. Troubleshooting
All questions and/or concerns should go to the creator of this product, Charlyko Parabola.
- Fully scripted, rapid fire gatling gun!
- Wind up and wind down animation and sound effects!
- Ammo-belt animations when firing!
- Customizable particle colors!
- Sounds, particle effects, oh my!
Bought for a robot avatar and looks cool.
Although it is for a pony I had no issue repositioning it for my robot avatar, nor did I have an issue applying PBR textures to it. For 50L it is well worth money for an amusing gun.
This weapon has two major flaws that I would have to mention...
1. It is hard to recolor and even when recolored to be the same color as my outfit... It is still somehow off, looking ugly on my armored character.
2. The bullets do not go where you are aiming at. Most of the time, the bullets just go by your target. In order to hit your target, you have to purposely aim off of them and even then... Only one minigun will be hitting them. This can easily be fixed in a future update perhaps but I don't think it will.
The moment you put them on they look amazing! The sound they play while starting up bring fear to peoples ears, and the seeing the effects and the bullets heading towards them...makes them look like a deer in head lights. This is an amazing product and so fun to use and to just listen to the gun fire!
lots of fun.
work great and easy to change the colors. just wish i had a flight of the bumble bee's gesture to go with it XD.