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GRAVES The Cat + inclusive Omega, Slink, TMP... leather latex catsuit

GRAVES The Cat + inclusive Omega, Slink, TMP... leather latex catsuit

+ for Basic Avatars AND Mesh Avatars.
+ Included Appliers: Omega, Slink Physique, Hands, Feet, The Mesh Project, Lolas, Phat A...

The included Omega Applier supports many Meshes: For example Maitreya, Belleza, Lolas, Banned, WowMeh.... Full list here: http://lovenlustdesigns.blogspot.de/p/supported-meshes.html

Quality leather / latex catsuit with many prim extras. =^.^=

+ Multi Layer
+ Hood (tattoo layer)
+ Cat Ears
+ Collar
+ Catsuit & Zipper
+ Goggles
+ Arm straps
+ Prim pockets
+ Gloves & Cuffs
+ Whip (unscripted)
+ Scripted resize

clothes [copy]
prim parts [copy, modify]

The included mask is optional - the outfit works without it too.
You can easy mix & match the hood with other Graves suits.
For a more fetish style you can wear it without ears or goggles.
And of course great as a Halloween / party costume...
Many possibilities :)

See pictures for details.

Easy to mix & match with the GRAVES "The Thief"

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Amazing :D
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 26, 2015 by QueenOfVixens

This outfit is so detailed and beautiful. I have bought 4 Graves outfits so far and all are awesome. Please start putting appliers in all your outfits so I can buy more.

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For FUCK's sake !!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted May 25, 2013 by AnimaAnimus

It just looks so awesome.... I'm not sure people will be able to handle such beauty :3

So thanks a lot for that add in my many many outfits, this one is a really cool one (tho like every time I buy something @GRAVES)

:D :D :D Time to perv some innocent vic'

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Is incredible S E X Y and H O T
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 01, 2013 by Sehania

I got it and look perfect, love the way it look on the avi, the only suggestion was that does not com with the version with the zipper close , Other than that is a gret buy

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 30, 2012 by vendettadoll

Like this costume

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Great as Always
full star full star full star full star empty star Posted December 26, 2011 by Rin Tae

Graves outfits are great to mix and match with other items and turn into very complicated and detailed multi layered outfits that trully make use of the abiltiy to wear a ton of clothign layers. The only downside for me is that it does not come as a closed version.

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Why cant i give this 100 stars!!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 04, 2011 by Peppelee

I absolutely f***ing love this outfit, i had to buy it! it took myself some convincing because of the price and the fact i work for my lindens in sl but im so glad i bought it!! ill use it forever!!, thanks so much maker for the resend and make of this amazing cat costume!, this is the best for sure!. - Peppelee <3

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