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Generic bookshelf

Generic bookshelf

Welcome somehow to the best selling product I've ever made! (Seriously, I'm confused too.) That's right, this amazing* bookshelf is JUST the thing to tell the world, "Hey! I like books!"

Made adjacent to the legendary "Crappy" product line, this bookshelf does all the things you'd expect from a product made sometime before mesh was a thing. It has pictures of books on it and seems to be on shelves! WOW!

Using space-aged technology from a far flung future past, this book shelf is completely immune to dust!** Bewarb, there's an unlimited number so get yours while you can! (original product description begins after the following legal disclaimers***)

* Opinions may differ
** Not responsible if a future SL update adds dust
*** Legal Disclaimers may not be legal.

Ok, yeah. Well... this doesn't really stand out like some, but I thought it looked nice. Figured I might as well share it for anyone out there looking for simple furniture that doesn't take up a lot of prims.

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