Nothing quite says Halloween like a green skinned witch tending her cauldron. This classic character will add a fun and lively classic touch to the holiday fun.
This is an animated texture with alpha on a single flat prim.
Copy and modify permissions on the prim allows you to multiply and size to your liking.
See the 'watch it in action' link to view the animation.
See my other listings for many many more animated Halloween decorations. Some scary, some silly. Find more witches, ghosts, ghouls, skulls, skeletons, bats and trolls.
Thanks for looking.
▾▾ Happy Halloween ▾▾
- Perfect touch on Halloween.
- Nothing says "Halloween" like a green skinned witch tending to her potion.
- Animated decoration makes a lively touch.
- Fun, quality graphic gives a 3D impression.
- One fun prim.