You like to have a great grill-party and nobody becomes fat?
Here we go!
Your box gives you:
- the grill with the fire
- hamburger and sausages
- some well done some raw
- some smoking, some not
Please check the images for a snapshot, what your box contains in detail (oh yes, the big hamburger serves as box).
Everything which is food is full permission to share it with your friends.
The grill is modify and copy.
So I wish you GOOD HUNGER!
keywords: eat,drink,eat&drink,grill,recreation,eat and drink,hamburger,sausages,hot dog,baked,party,fun,friends,outdoor,grill station,full permission
plants, flowers, deko, emitted flowers, rock, garden, living-room, recreation, mediation
fountain,water,floating water,decoration,river,sea,pond,pool,animated water,decoration,garden,park,river,float,floation,bath,tube,jakuzzi,flood,
garden,romantic,decoration,plants, flowers, deko, emitted flowers, rock, garden,recreation, mediation,relax,relaxation,outdoor,trees,tree,plant,garden plant,animal,garden animal,emitter,outdoor furniture,build,scripted,deco,gadgets,park,park flair,party,home decoration,insects, park
DEUTSCH keywords: Brunnen,Wasser,Trog,Wasserspeicher,Wasserspeicher,fliessendes
- Giver for Grill items - touch!
- Grill items are full permission - for your friends
- check the images for all the goodies
- the grill is NO scuplty and will rezz at sudden
nice but no transfer like it says in the ad