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Heart Clouds (EEP)

Heart Clouds (EEP)

Lovely heart shaped clouds in your Second Life sky!

The perfect backdrop for your photography, wedding, engagement party, romantic evening, themed region or parcel. The custom graphic goes in place of the Second Life sun in the sky, or the Moon. You can have one or two showing in the sky and scale them up big or keep them small. Easy to reposition the graphics for the perfect backdrop.

The new Environmental Enhancement Project, or EEP, is replacing Windlight for the Second Life sky. Viewer apps are gradually being modified to work in this new system. Here is a replacement for the standard sun shining in your sky. All you need to do is drag this folder into your Settings folder in your inventory. Right click on the chosen sky file and select ‘Apply Only to Myself’ or ‘Apply to Parcel’ if you have permissions for that. The next time you launch your viewer app the new sky files will be in the list of available skies to select from. You may also straight away double click on the new sky file to see it and adjust any of the settings to your desired taste.

There is a bug with the latest releases of viewers that support the new Enhanced Environment (EEP) that makes any image replacing the Moon appear quite dim. The program coders are aware of this issue and have accepted it as a bug. Hopefully it will be resolved soon.

In the interim, I recommend only using the hearts image that replaces the Sun. I apologise, but this is totally beyond my control.

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  • Heart Clouds in place of the sun and or moon
  • Can be moved about the sky and resized easily
  • Custom day sky included
  • Can be used by Region or Parcel owners
  • Two Heart Clouds graphics can be independently positioned in the same sky
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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 11, 2022 by Kyan Logan

looks really nice in the sky, thank you!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 29, 2020 by ShereeHoneyflower

I tested this as soon as I had it. This is beautiful.

I'm not sure if Stevie knows how appealing this sky may be for lesbians like myself.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted August 16, 2020 by Susan Kronos

Super cute, Love them Thank You! <3

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