Stevie Davros Custom Skies
Stevie Davros Custom Skies
Sold by: Stevie Davros
Joined: March 06, 2010

Stevie Davros Custom Skies aims to bring a range of interesting alternative cloud textures and associated sky settings files to users who have an interest in Second Life photography, role playing, video production, and really for anyone who would like their experiences in-world to be that little bit more immersive and interesting. A new range of Environment Enhancement Project (EEP) skies are currently being released...

Installing EEP sky files into your inventory and seeing them in your sky takes only a few moments and is very easy.

Full tutorial videos and detailed written instructions are provided with each custom cloud pack.

Here are two demonstration videos showing alternative cloud systems in the Firestorm viewer, and cycling through a range of windlight files in real time:

Here is a demonstration video showing how easy it is to use EEP sky files in Second Life:

Windlight has been phased out in most viewers now, and Firestorm has just made the official switch to the Enhanced Environment.


Users are expected to have a basic working knowledge of Second Life inventory handling in their preferred viewer app and also to be able to select EEP sky settings when using their viewer. There are several ways to do this and they are explained in the notecards.

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