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Huntable WWM Chicken

Huntable WWM Chicken

Huntable wild west animal that gives 2 flesh and 1 feather.

Perms: No-copy, No-trans, No-mod.

Average rating: full star full star empty star empty star empty star
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Some reservations
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted November 21, 2019 by Matosapa

The product works as advertised....however, the chicken moves around much too quickly (about double the speed that it should, in my opinion), making it very hard to shoot, or for RP metered animal avatars to attack/bite ..... killing the bird takes time and patience (waiting for it to stand still and become target-able again for the next shot) and takes about 8 hits to kill .... script is No Mod, so the buyer can not set movement speed to personal preference, as can be done with some other MP hunt-able animals.
For WWM RP, it looks good and fills a need ..... but could have been better. I am not sorry for buying (3) but would like to see a corrected update.

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