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★IDA Mesh Outfit HUD Controlled!★

★IDA  Mesh Outfit HUD Controlled!★

★IDA Mesh Outfit HUD Controlled!★

Package Contains:
-Mesh Outfit 5 Standard Size/Classic Avatar
-Alpha Layer for Classic Avatar
-HUD for change Colors/Texture

**Mesh Outfit Comes with a HUD so you can change the Colors/Texture of Outfit / Separately Vest,Collar Vest,Shorts,Top & Belt**
-28 Colors/Texture of Vest
-28 Colors/Texture Collar of Vest
-47 Colors/Texture of Shorts
-41 Colors/Texture of Top
-16 Colors/Texture of Belt

●Mesh Outfit 5 Standard Size can be worn on Classic Avatar with Alpha Layer●

****PLEASE try a DEMO before purchasing to avoid disappointment,FREE DEMO AVAILABLE IN WORLD for 0L$ *******

For any question and assistance please feel free to contact me anytime!!!!
nepoznatalavendell resident

☆ Our Mesh clothing REQUIRES the use of a MESH VIEWER. This is a viewer that has mesh enabled. You can find a list of viewers that are compatible by going to:


and choosing the current Linden Labs viewer version OR going to the "More Viewers" link at the bottom of the page to find a 3rd party viewer that is Mesh Enabled

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 21, 2015 by Klaudia Stratten

Omg,I love ur stuff.So good,fit prefrectly,hud is amazing.So many combination can make.Price is very low.5 +

Keep working like that and i will be always in ur shop

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and tmp??
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted September 18, 2015 by Julia Schlesinger

you put the label TMP but nothing in the pack.. Just the usual sizes.. Money lost, ty.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 28, 2015 by nature37

I bought KARMELA Outfit and now this IDA Outfit ....and I am completely satisfied,perfect fit for my Maitreya Mesh Body,looks great thank you!<3

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great fit
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 05, 2015 by teyla010

Love this outfit. Lot of options and it works well with my maitreya mesh body. A lot of outfits don't so I was pretty happy.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 03, 2015 by Scarlett Wobbentay

Omg it just fits so well, didn't have to adjust my shape! It's so gorgeous with a hud with so many options!

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