Total Package :
- Infinity Mesh Photostudio MP 3.0 2022 (2250L$)
- Red Erotic Studio (1499L$)
- All in 1 photobox (599L$)
- 3D Street Scene (99L$)
- 3D Strip Studio(250L$)
- 3D Stone Woods Studio (499L$)
- 3D Fairytail Studio (750L$)
- 3D Celtic Studio (799L$)
- More then 860 Poses
//// New Jan 2022 infinity Mesh Photostudio Hud Version!! \\\\
- Only 34 Prims!
- Single Poses
- Couple Poses
- HQ 99 Backgrounds
- Move your avatar 8 ways (NEW)
- New 4x Lights (left, right, up-center, down-center) System
- Addon System, Easy use our addons for this studio.
- Mesh Backdrop for a HQ picture.
- HQ and some real Photostudio backgrounds
- Extra 360 Poses Move on the engine
/// Huds Addons \\\
The Studio MP huds Addon work with this studio, buy one of our special MP hud, attach it and select a background, it will automatich show on your studio backdrop. Look in our store for "MP Backgrounds Hud"
/// 360 move \\\
Click on single/couple and select options, click on adjust pose and move your avatar in any way you will like in 360 way!
/// Poses Movement on Control Panel \\\
Select a pose, jump on the poseball and use the arrows on the control panel to move your avatar.
NEW 2022 Addons updates Modules for this studio:
This is the package every photographer need!! a huge collection with many backgrounds poses and all in very high quality 3D!!
- 860 Poses
- Couple & Single Poses
- HQ Scenes with Poses
- 8 Package!
- 07-01-2022 Update
Very poor quality. The photo studios work very badly. Most poses are freebies. A money badly spent.
Marvelous Studio
This is more then one studio, it's multiple studios with so many different poses. It will take a month of more for me to find and use all the poses. Denvey was very helpful when I inquired about his studios. It's a studio of great value.