Instant Garden Magical Forest With Cottage - Interactive With Animations & Accessories
Instant Garden Magical Forest With Cottage
Magical Forest (with cottage) is an enchanting environment with multiple interactive features - including a charming sculpted cottage. Giant old sculpted trees with falling leaves form a canopy over an abundance of colorful fantasy plants, and waterfalls flow into a small pond at the edge of a lush forest. Torches light the way along a forest path, and some unique fantasy flower lights add plenty of charm. Moving shadows cover the ground as light beams stream in, and fireflies and falling leaves also add to the beauty.
The sitting nooks (a deck and log bench) have multiple animations for couples, singles, and groups.
The sitting nooks also rez accessories such as campfires, patio burners, candles, sound, weather, and food/drink.
This lovely forest sits easily on any flat land and blends well (no walls surround this particular Instant Garden) - it rezzes instantly and moves as one piece for easy setup.
* The entire landscape and cottage moves as one piece the same way a large house with many linked sections does (rez-faux packaging system) and can be used on a sky platform as well.
Once in position and saved everything can be modified as individual pieces in case a few items need to be deleted to save prims, for example.
~~ An adorable little sculpted cottage with fireplace (fireplace has on/off/sound controls). Fenced with a front gate.
~~ A beautiful landscape that includes waterfalls, a pond, a lighted pathway, light beams,and lots of magical plants and trees (some sculpted).
~~ Fantasy Flower Ride - clicking on a small sign rezzes a flower - up to 4 people can sit on the flower and fly through the forest in a circle.
~~ Fantasy Deck - faces the waterfalls at the edge of the pond and rezzes multiple poses (for couples, groups, and singles), weather, food/drink, candles, a patio burner, and sounds.
~~ Log Bench - rezzes multiple poses (for couples & singles), food/drink, candles, and a campfire.
~~ Falling Leaves, Fireflies,Moving Shadows
~~ Pathway Torches (on/off controls)
~~ Fantasy Flower Lights (on/off/intensity controls)
** Special feature for drinks/food - click drinks/food and it disappears - wear from inventory to eat/drink.
** Utilizes the low-lag pose system (rezzes cushions to sit on that disappear when not in use). All poses on are animations (no static poses).
The landscape is lush and the cottage highly detailed, yet they use only 255 prims, and they are copyable and modifiable (except for some sculpted trees & the flower fantasy lights).
You can move things around and modify it if desired (all plants can be moved around easily).
You can also delete everything if you'd like to do something else with your land temporarily, and then easily rez the garden again at a later time.
Be sure and check out all my Instant Gardens in the store - you may want to go back and forth between many beautiful landscapes.
** Makes a great Sky Box too (or you can buy this as part of my holodeck sky box system that flies you to the sky on a magic transport flower to rez multiple scenes - click one of the 'related items' links below to view this version).
Modifiable (except for some sculpted trees, but they can be moved or deleted if desired)
64x79 (although removing 2 big trees in the back of the cottage reduce front to back footprint by 10m)
255 Prims
Live In Beauty ! Luna Bliss
See item in Second Life- English Cottage
- Instant Landscape
- Prefab Gardens
- Animated Gardens
- Medieval Cottages