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Interactive Image & Text White Boards (&projector add-on) Version 2.6.1

Interactive Image & Text White Boards (&projector add-on)

★ WATCH THE VIDEO: http://youtu.be/o7-beyWQKzE

Luna Fatale Creations Interactive Animated White Board uses your projected images*, your notecards and the board's animations to interact with each other while involving you in a realistic presentation.

✔ NOTE: *The white board is a fully functioning stand-alone white board. However when paired with a Luna Fatale projector it also functions as a projection screen, allowing you to overlay your text on illustrations. Thus providing a multimedia presentation on one "screen".

★ NEW: Draw lines on the board to enhance your presentation.

■ TWO White Boards: sitting on easel & wall hanging

■ Interrupt the lecture anytime to answer questions by typing ad-lib text on the board; the presentation then continues from where you left off. Use this to improvise an entire lecture.

■ Turn on optional "Chat Nearby": All text written to the board is chatted to local allowing students to use translators.

■ In addition to GROUP, OWNER & ALL security, the owner can place administrators on a "white list" to allow them to perform certain "owner only" features.

■ Only 26 LI to display 288 characters and draw lines
■ Only 31 LI to display 384 characters and draw lines

■ A copy of the white board is physically on display for your inspection at our in-world location.


To begin using the white board immediately:

▶ Sit on the board.
If a notecard was left partially written then progress will start from where the writing left off; otherwise writing begins at the next notecard.
You may start at the beginning anytime by pressing the "Start Over" button.
✔ Note: This is an example or your animation choice interacting with the board.

▶ When the board completes writing the notecard your avatar will move from the writing animation to the lecture animation.
✔ Note: This is an example of the board interacting with your avatar.

▶ When you feel that the board has been displayed long enough press the "Erase Board" button. Your avatar will begin to erase the board. When the board is completely erased your avatar will begin writing the next board. If there are no more boards to draw your avatar stands.
✔ Note: This is an example of both your animation choice interacting with the board and the board, in turn, interacting with your avatar.

That's how easy it is!


Appropriate props for the animation you choose (or are placed in via the interaction) are either placed in your hand or available for you to pick up. There is no longer any requirement to clutter up your inventory and expend the extra effort of pushing a button to get the props folder sent to you and then wearing/adding the props individually.

▶ The most desirable props will be placed in your hand for you
▶ Optional props will be rezzed and available to pick up by touching them


You can alter the interaction from that described above:

▶ To pause the writing mid-way press the "Explain Board" button. Your avatar will stop drawing and present the material that has been drawn so far.

▶ To pause the writing & answer a question (by writing on the board) press the "Answer Qs" button. Your avatar will be presented a text box into which you can type the text you want written on the board.


The buttons with titles surrounded in "[ ]" characters are not animation choices, but rather they are configurable options:

[Toggle Chat] Toggle nearby chat on and off.

[GET HELP] Sends the Help notecards, the store Landmark, etc.

[COLOR] Presents you with a selection of nine (9) dry erase marker colors.

[LOAD TEXT] Presents you with menu assisted functionality that allows you to add and remove board notecards.

[TIMER] Allows you to alter the write speed of each board (the time it takes to completely draw the board). You may select from several choices.
✔ Note: The board is left displayed until you choose to erase it.
✔ Note: The erase time is proportionate to the amount of text on the board (as it would be in RL)

[RESIZE] Presents you with menu assisted resize functionality.

[ADJUST] Provides a menu assisted avatar position adjustment. The adjustments are saved for each avatar, and restored when they come back to use the board.
✔ Note: The Owner will be provided an intermediate menu allowing either security or pose adjustments to be made.

Configurable Shadow: Touching the easel shadow while you are seated will move the shadow to one of four (4) cardinal positions, and off; allowing you to make a choice that best fits the lighting or window placement of your venue.

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • Load your own notecards, project an image*, choose marker color & writing speed.
  • Type ad-lib text to the board & draw lines. Overlay text on projected images*.
  • Turn on local chat: students can use translators. Pick up auto-rezzed props.
  • Optional movable shadows to fit your lighting (can be turned off).
  • Menu Assisted Resize & Lifetime Free Upgrades. ( * see Desription for details )
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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A perfect aid for any teaching enviroment both civil and military
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 30, 2015 by Cornelius Fanshaw

I've found this whiteboard to be of tremendous value to me adding greater depth to roleplay briefings and training lectures. Not only can you interact with the board while appearing to write out the contents of prepared notecards, you can also use it as a projection screen in conjunction with one of the Luna Fatal projectors. During the course of a lecture it is also possible to pause the notes and write in real-time on the screen to answer questions. A recent update allows both the lecturer and the audience do draw on the screen, which is very useful for pointing out areas on projected images and maps.
No SL classroom or briefing room should be without one of these.

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