*** See inworld at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Procyon/214/42/47 ***
The *Polygons* set features a bold, angular design perfect for modern or futuristic settings. Each piece is crafted with care to provide the unique, stylish look combined with the realistic shininess of Advanced Lighting Model. Each furniture has multiple texture faces that can be tinted individually to fit your theme.
*Polygons* Shelf features:
~ Advanced materials enabled (normal + specular mapping)
~ Multiface + tintable + texture templates = infinite customization
~ Detailed, realistic textures
~ Low land impact (1LI)
~ Modern, stylish design
*** Custom tint ***: right click and choose edit. Choose "Select Face" and click on the parts you want to edit (Cushion/frame) and select the desired colour under the Texture tab.
Visit Isil's store at https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/135577
For more information, or if you have any questions, suggestions, and requests, feel free to send a notecard or IM to Isilmeriel.
Voir l'article dans Second Life- Advanced materials enabled (normal + specular mapping)
- Multiface + tintable + texture templates = infinite customization
- Detailed, realistic textures
- Low land impact (1LI)
- Modern, stylish design
A great shelf and also a tool ...
... like everything from Isil.
I builded a very nice bunkbed with 2 of this shelfs ,
2 of the benches and the ladder from the vertical set.
Great Stuff
I needed to have the full set hehe really well made. Great Buy!