~Isil~ Street Lamp with Banner Version 1.1
UPDATE: no-banner version now added!
*** Reviews are appreciated ***
*** Inworld demo available ***
A unique and stylishly designed 1LI street lamp with a futuristic flare. Use your personal, group, or store logo on the banner. Perfect for RP sims, clubs, events, store, or other various outdoor use.
This package features:
~ Unique, stylish design
~ Materials enabled (specular + normal + emissive) **
~ Projector light **
~ Low land impact (Only 1 LI)
~ Mod + Copy perms
~ Ambient occlusion texture templates for customization
~ Fully tintable
** Must have a supported viewer with the Advanced Lighting Model feature turned on in preferences. Instructions available at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Get-the-New-Materials-Viewer-Today/ba-p/2051927
Q: Why do my street lamps appear translucent?
A: Please update to a more recent version of your viewer.
Q: I don't see any glow or projector lights
A: Please enable your Advanced Lighting Model (instructions provided above)
Q: My banner texture looks stretched on the lamp
A: Use the included banner AO map and put your texture on top using your image editor of choice (photoshop/gimp) using multiply blending mode.
Q: What do I do with the textures in the textures folder?
A: Both the basic AO templates and the current textures are included in the package. You can use them to place your own sim/group logo on the lamp itself.
For more information, or if you have any questions, suggestions, and requests, feel free to send a notecard or IM to Isilmeriel.
Visit Isil's store at https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/135577
- Materials enabled (specular + normal + emissive)
- Projector light
- Low land impact (Only 1 LI)
- Texture templates for customization
- Fully tintable
Like it :)
Perfect Lamps, beautifull, very good design, and only one prim! The assistance from the creator in this product is very good!!!