*** Reviews are appreciated ***
*** Inworld sample available ***
NEW exterior corner and doorway parts added
NEW wall parts added for room construction (lit and unlit versions included):
-8m wall
-4m wall
-connector (0m and 1m) *
-corners (convex and concave)
-doorway (connects to corridors)
-tiled floor texture
A low land impact mesh modular build kit for scifi corridors to connect your sci-fi and space themed builds. This product uses the full glory of Advanced Lighting model (recommended but not necessary, set all interior pieces to Full Bright if you do not wish to use ALM).
- 8x4x4m corridor interior (0.5 LI)
- 6x6x4m way hub interior (2.5 LI) <-- Use in combination with end caps and connectors to create corners and intersections
- Connector (0.6 LI)
- Adapter connector (0.6 LI) <-- square edge on one side for connecting to your mesh or prim rooms
- End cap (0.7 LI) <-- fits corridors and hubs
- Exterior corridor <-- optional exterior cover for corridors
- Exterior hub
- Exterior wall
- Exterior ceiling
- Exterior cap
** Illuminated and Unlit versions for each component
~ Proper LOD for long distance rendering and low land impact
~ Materials enabled (normal + glow + spec) **
~ Mod + Copy perms
~ Textures included for full customization
** Must have a supported viewer with the Advanced Lighting Model feature turned on in preferences. Instructions available at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Get-the-New-Materials-Viewer-Today/ba-p/2051927
Q: Why do my corridors appear translucent?
A: Please update to a more recent version of your viewer.
Q: My corridors appear flat and grayish.
A: Advanced Lighting Model is recommended. If you cannot enable the setting, use FULL BRIGHT on the corridor interiors.
Q: How do I align the pieces?
A: Use snap or align tools in the edit panel.
Q: Why are the included texture templates translucent?
A: Download and open with photoshop or gimp. The RGB channels store the actual colour texture while the alpha channel contains the glow map.
>>> Tip: The exterior corridor/wall/ceiling pieces use tilable texture, uncheck the "stretch Textures" setting in the edit panel and you can stretch them to fit longer corridors without needing to rez multiple copies.
All included textures are for customization and personal use only. Resale or distribution of the included textures or item on which the textures are used is strictly prohibited regardless of modification.
Video filmed by Shaman Nitely
For more information, or if you have any questions, suggestions, and requests, feel free to send a notecard or IM to Isilmeriel.
Visit Isil's store at https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/135577
- Illuminated and Unlit versions for each component
- Proper LOD for long distance rendering and low land impact
- Materials enabled (normal + glow + spec)
- Mod + Copy perms
- Textures included for full customization
This is a beautiful set, but it's extremely difficult to put together. I am a decent builder, but this set defeated me and I am not able to use it.
Much regret
In NO way is anything in this set actually "modular" , NO door openings, window caps... etc. are the same size. Having invested way too many $L in other pieces, I was hoping this set might have pieces to help correct the flaws from the others. Instead it is the worst of them all. Not only does nothing actually fit the other pieces, you have to combine interior and exterior pieces together to have walls that aren't "see through" (alpha) from the side your looking at.
The definition of modular is " components constructed with standardized dimensions or units " . I'm not new to building, the textures are quite good, but to call any of this "modular" is completely incorrect.
I can't even imagine why a simple corridor has to be constructed from multiple pieces. Make a HUB with 1, 2 , 3 or 4 openings, corridors with the same size openings, bump them against each other. THAT would be modular.
Strangely, the "window" kit doesn't need to be assembled to make a corridor, but has no hub included. But even it doesn't have a standard door opening size compared to any other "modular" component.
Again, yet another superior product by Isilmeriel
Need I say more. Keep doing whatever you are doing. Great Work all around.
Thank you
and me :-) for buying it. But seriously thank you for making wonderfull kits, so others can let their creative mind go wild. And you forced me, willingly, to learn to make emissive masks. so a whole new world of sl lighting opened up for me. for the creator, feel free to IM me, if your curious what i did.
Gorgeous kit just ...missing a few things
Namely, where is the internal ceiling piece so we can make custom sized hallways? We get the exterior ceiling but no interior?
A challenge that's worth it
Challenging for me, I guess, but once you get used to aligning exterior and interior parts, its a breeze. Works perfect with the Space Tower and Vertical builds as it was meant to. Texturing is so good I don't want to change it (although I want dark walls with glowing lights)