It is an amazing island with a volcano, geysers and a hot spring. The island also features green grassy flat area for your construction and beach. Inside the volcano there is a cave. An effects of volcano smoke, geysers as well as the sound effects of geysers, lavas are included in this set.
Island has walkable physics and used as land for placing of your buildings and plants.
Island can be used both on the ground and in the skybox with sky watter object . This island is not an off sim environment – you need at least 64x64m territory to rezz it
- for those who do not know how to do terraforming
- for builders
- to build at sky platform
EXTRA! 3 high quality textures of black stoun and lava for the best combination of identical textures of Island!
• Island permissions: Copy, Modify
• 100% Original mesh items. Mesh enabled viewer required.
Please note, like all mesh products increasing the size of this model can change the land impact.
• Prim count and sizes:
Island: 64x64х7 metres, 120 LI (prims)
Particle effects: 5 LI
Water in the hot spring: 3 LI
This item contains rezzer – please follow the instruction
1. Place rezzer object on ground or sky platform (DO NOT OPEN THE BOX)
2. Click rezzer BOX and chose from menu REZ
3. Move rezzer BOX, and Island will be moved with it. When you will place your Island at correct place, push button SAVE in rezzer menu
Looked so good I felt warm
All Kato products look great, can't beat the price for such good quality.