Ivy Cottage Version 1.2
Proudly brought to you by
-=Tanelorn Manor Designs=-
-=Established 2010=-
√ Cosy cottage with main living room, kitchen & large attic;
√ Deep foundations to make setup easier on uneven or sloped land;
√ Footprint 23m x 20m (460 sq/m);
√ Land Impact:
main cottage - 53,
lanterns - 3 each, log fires - 3 or 4 each,
pot & kettle for kitchen - 3 & 4
(recommended full setup is 83 total);
√ Menu controlled log fires (visual effects, lighting, sound & smoke settings);
√ Menu controlled lamps (access, on/off/auto & brightness settings);
√ *Now with touch show/hide snowy roof*;
√ Copy/Modify(not scripts)/no transfer;
√ "Rez-Faux" rezzer;
Thank you for your interest in our Ivy Cottage! We are particularly proud of this build and have included a few copiable extras with it.
Touch the 'Steaming Kettle' or 'Steaming Pot/Cauldron' to turn steam particles on/off.
Cottage doors will open on touch or collision, and will close by themselves.
Lanterns are menu controlled - touch to activate the menu to change lantern access and lighting options.
Log fires will be off when you first rez your cottage - simply touch each to 'light' the fire or access other menu options.
*Now included in this updated version is a snowy roof which you can show or hide by touch*
Read on for detailed information.
To rez your cottage, drop the "Ivy Cottage Rez Box" to the ground from your inventory and select "BUILD". Move the rez box to position your cottage exactly where you want it and select "*SAVE*" from the menu. You're ready to move in!
LOG FIRES=------------------------
The default rezzed cottage contains 3 log fires - one in the main living area and two in the kitchen - they are separate from each other and contain their own menu controls (so you could turn one off, stop the fire fx on another, set no smoke on the third etc.). Upon rez the log fires are unlit - touch each to light them.
There are 4 wall lanterns rezzed with the cottage. They are unlinked from the cottage so you can delete them or add more since they are copiable (and at 3 prims why wouldn't you!). To access the lantern menu, touch any part of the lamp. You can turn your lamp on or off, or set it to "Auto" (turning on automatically at sunset and off again at sunrise based on the SIM sun position). The default settings are "On" for the 2 internal lamps and "Auto" for the 2 external ones. You can set the brightness of your lanterns to 2m, 5m or 10m. You can also set your lantern access to either "Public", "Group" or "Owner" (default is "Owner").
If you have any questions about this product, or need help setting up, please contact Muroc Scorfield (Australian Eastern Standard Time) or Hollywood Topaz (US Eastern Time) via IM.
Please visit our Main Store to see this and other products and check out our lucky chairs, midnight madness, mini-mania and fortune teller to win prizes.
- Touch on/off lanterns, log fires & chimney smoke;
- Menu driven log fires;
- Bonus kettle and cauldron/pot;
- Attic;
- Prims/LI - 53 cottage, 3 log fires/4 lamps (optional);