japanese flower image SINGLES dance floor,dance menu controlled
- resizable
- dance menu included
Trial and error.
Just try the animations out, you'll likely see only a few that you like.
More details on this really inexpensive stuff:
I imagine these are stolen animations. Like, duh, no shit. Most of them are not rigged correctly, where my entire center mass is rotated to some direction, and I'm moving around very oddly. Although some are not so bad to look at. The annoying part is that I've come across most of the nice dances through other scandalous animation sets; I bought this some years ago and when I bought it, I already had all the animations I liked from it. Luckily it wasn't too expensive though.
Buy at your own risk
I'm giving 3 stars for price altho a couple of the dances i got in another pack and they have the avi leaning. Also, there's only 1 slow dance and even then, it's a bit faster then what a true slow song calls for. Cant really beat the price for the other dances, which are more fast paced/club style dances. You do get quite a few for only 10L. I'd suggest this pack to someone with a warning there's only 1 slow dance in it.
Not oriental dances
Not a good buy if you are looking for Asian dances all club dances