From A Nightmare Before Christmas, it's Jack Skellington!
Fully rigged mesh with Bento hands (although he only has three fingers and a thumb on each hand), this package includes:
Included in this package are the mesh avatar, an alpha layer, and body shape. The package replaces everything else you are wearing, so it doesn't matter whether you are wearing a mesh body or a classic avatar; it will still look the same.
Also included: Zero the ghost dog! Attach him and he will orbit you happily.
All components are copy/mod-ok.
Not all of our products are listed on the marketplace – we have many more items in our in-world store (plus group gifts etc). See you there!
See item in Second LifeWell worth it!
Perfect jack for use as a costume.
this is great looks amazing
nice price too and you get his pet zero the ghost dog too love it
5 stars
wonderful Job you did on this
this looks exactly like Jack from nightmare before christmas
thank you for this ♥