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Please Note: A full perms version of this product is also available.
Cut Stone Pathways, ideal for defining paths across terrain to keep your friends and guests from straying into the woods.
These are similar and just as versatile as Jammin's 'Natural Stone Pathways' in mesh construction and textures, but with square/rectangular stones instead of natural shapes.
'Clean', 'Mossy', and Snow-Covered (new in V2) material sets provided. The Clean material is highly customizable for a variety of stone types.
There are 2 types of path - wide and narrow - with 3 individual mesh components for each type. Straight, Bent (for turns), and Sloped (for changing angle up/down. All components are double sided and can be flipped - this means the bent segments can turn left or right and the sloped can go up or down.
Each component is 1LI or less at default scale (approx. 2x2m for the wide sections).
This product takes full advantage of advanced materials. You will need to have 'advanced lighting' enabled in your viewer to see the effects of normal and specular maps.
Please see the SL wiki for more information on materials:
3 different texture/material sets provided - 'Clean', 'Mossy', and Snow-covered. The Mossy material is ideal for forest or wet environments, while the clean version is more versatile and can be used anywhere. All textures are 512x512 pixels.
The 'clean' material set is highly customizable, allowing easy set up of a variety of stone types.
For example,
Dark, volcanic rock:
Color: Grey (127,127,127)
Glossiness: 60
Environment: 60
Specular Color: White
Brown, slightly shiny:
Color: Brown (200,160,125)
Glossiness: 50
Environment: 50
Specular Color: White
These are suggestions only, and may require further adjustment to get the desired effect in your chosen lighting conditions.
The full perms version also contains an Ambient Occlusion (shadow) map, and a UV map for creating your own textures.
Thanks for visiting Jammin - you won't be disappointed! IM or notecard IvanBenjammin if you have any trouble or questions.
- Low Land-Impact
- Straight & Curved Segments
- Double Sided
- 'Clean' and 'Mossy' Materials
I love this
Textures are amazing.
The shadows are just amazing.. the texture is perfect. I highly recommend. Thank you, just what i needed ^^