G Generell

JuicyBomb - Day Cycle EEP Settings [PBR Ready]

JuicyBomb - Day Cycle EEP Settings [PBR Ready]

Hi! There are 4 EEP settings that I've made to give you a starting point. Feel free to edit these EEPs as you wish. I have also made 1 extra EEP called Soft Studio White, for bloggers and anyone that just wants to gaze at their avatar in a brightly lit environment.
NOTE: This is for the Official SL Viewer (the latest version)

How do I use this EEP?

Right click on the EEP Object in your inventory, and click > Apply Only to Myself

You can also edit the EEP further by going to the World tab > Environment > Personal Lighting

For more information about Environmental Enhancement Project, visit:

You can read my blog post about EEP here: http://juicybomb.com/2019/08/24/environmental-enhancement-project-eep/

<3 Juicy

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  • sky
  • eep
  • environments
  • PBR
  • water
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absolutely lovely
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 11.3.2025 von GabrielleVal

I love the Nacon summer day cycle we all have.
The JuicyBomb is even prettier !
Excellent work !

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full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 3.3.2025 von vVEdanaVv

Beautiful, but can you tell me about your settings inworld?

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full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 29.12.2024 von Crystalline Saphir

THIS is beautiful! the best day cycle ive seen. the sky looks so realistic too... i play a dragon and so i have a lot of shiny scales. normally the gleen on them is hard to see unless it's quite dim with a light source nearby. but this makes everything pop, glint, shimmer, and luster with colors.

YOU! what are you waiting for? you need to show off your PBR and materials?? GET THIS NOW!!

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Sets the mood perfectly!
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 29.10.2024 von CharlieKeeble

I thought I'd give this a try after using a few other EEPs, which were all good, but didn't quite give the effect I was looking for.
This one however sets the perfect tone on my sim, more by accident than design.

Thanks Juicy, you've given my place the perfect vibe.

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full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 1.9.2024 von TeaRose

Love the day cycle. Hope for autumn day cycle and a winter one!

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Heads up!
full star full star full star full star empty star Veröffentlicht 10.8.2024 von DeviousDreams

The lighting is pretty nice, however the reflection probe is set to 0 for the entire cycle and there is no way to edit even though it says mod. Otherwise it's a nice env lighting cycle for the price.

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