Hi! These 7 Starry Night EEPs adds realistic subtly blinking stars to the virtual night sky. I've included a variety of sky colors as a starting point for you to play with. Feel free to customize!
To change the stars color, edit the cloud color.
If you don't see the EEP, please make sure your settings are set to ultra.
How do I use this EEP?
Right click on the EEP Object in your inventory, and click > Apply Only to Myself
You can also edit the EEP further by going to the World tab > Environment > Personal Lighting
For more information about Environmental Enhancement Project, visit:
You can read my blog post about EEP here: http://juicybomb.com/2019/08/24/environmental-enhancement-project-eep/
<3 Juicy
View Video »Beautiful work! Grab the others too!
Its really an excellent set of starry skies, lots of mod options like changing the color of the stars, etc. I love how this made Rustica look:
Mostly all of these setting are awesome. Except I really don't care for the Starry Night Winter. Still, gorgeous settings and I don't regret purchasing. Thanks.