Hi! These 5 Pastel Skies EEPs feature custom wispy clouds and a rainbow over pastel skies. I've included a variety of sky colors as a starting point for you to play with. Feel free to customize!
To move the rainbow to a different direction, such as North, South, or West, move the Sun & Stars position. The default rainbow is on East.
If you don't see the EEP, please make sure your settings are set to ultra.
How do I use this EEP?
Right click on the EEP Object in your inventory, and click > Apply Only to Myself
You can also edit the EEP further by going to the World tab > Environment > Personal Lighting
For more information about Environmental Enhancement Project, visit:
You can read my blog post about EEP here: http://juicybomb.com/2019/08/24/environmental-enhancement-project-eep/
<3 Juicy