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[KK] Transformable Saiyan Tail

[KK] Transformable Saiyan Tail

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Transformable Saiyan Tail:

This tail can be coloured to any colour with the colour panel on the HUD.
The head part can be hidden, size and length of the tail can be changed, activity and wrap or grab options can be altered.

Your able to save your size and colour change to 5 presets, aswell as trigger the presets with specified commands and channel.
The tail uses only 3 scripts, and has recently been reduced in lag.

Questions? - Contact Koenees Karas

  • Colourble with colour panel
  • Modify size and length
  • Improvent behaviour, with 4 activity options
  • Save to 5 presets
  • Tail can be grabbed and wraped around the waist
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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Best tail ever
full star full star full star full star full star Posted February 01, 2017 by Hiro Littlepaws

omg, best tail i've found in SL, 5 stars !!!

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 04, 2016 by Saissore

This is the most amazing tail i have found in SL ever the only thing i have found that could be improved is that when people pull your tail the animation reaction doesn't have the highest priority so it will be stopped by my AO but that's something i hope will be updated in an upcoming update at some point.

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Great Work
full star full star full star full star full star Posted January 04, 2016 by TatsuyaDash

really incredible movement I recommend

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love it
full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 22, 2015 by renaruno100

i love how it looks but i wish there was a way to fix the tail when its wrapped cause im using a small avi and the tail kinda overlaps when i wrap it and it appears to be showing out and wish there was a way to fix that problem

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 10, 2012 by Makeyleth

the tail is really cool, my mate loves it cause she keeps grabbing it.

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You will never see me rate another item like i do this one.
full star full star full star full star full star Posted June 14, 2011 by Arquillius

OMG. When i first saw this, I said how cute. But OMG is this tail awesome. You can set it the custom way you want it to work. If you want it whipping around while ur sitting, you can, and if you want it to be wrapped around you to avoid clipping that is good too! I've had people tell me it's awesome during sex on SL and I have to agree. The only way it could possibly be improved is if Koenees added more options to it, in other words made it let you have a choke command with it, or let you use it for sex acts. I'm giving this a 5/5 but it deserves more.

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