Here we have an awesome glowing mesh outfit for all you guys. Don't be fooled by the price this is a great quality outfit for a really crazy price!
~Glowy Mesh Jacket - 4 standard sizes
~Glowy Mesh Rave Shorts - 4 standard sizes
~Glowy Mesh Rave Sneakers - 3 standard sizes
~Matching Under Shirt
~Mesh Glowy Matching Keychain Necklace (resizable)
~Glowy Matching Bracelets
~Free Suprise Gift <3
Try the demo to be sure everything fits how you like! *NOTE ~ Demo only includes the jacket and shorts you will receive all that is listed above if you purchase the outfit!
Any questions or problems feel free to send a notecard to Kiku Yokosuka and I will be happy to help!
See item in Second LifeSuper Outfit
This an excellent outift, really is. One minor thing, which doesn't effect things too much, it could use an XL size. I'm very muscular so the L fits but with a lot of alphering (I'm on standard mesh body for whie trying to a fix BOM issue so I use the alpha hud) Apart from that it looks splendid.
Fantastic rave!
This outfit is perfect for my Avatar, looks very cute on him, and is an all around good outfit.
Though I don't wear shoes, so I can't speak for those, the coat and short looked perfect on my Avatar. I've been wearing it on and off for a long time now, and don't regret it.
(Almost) Perfect
I love everything K&L do. The reason it's only 4 stars, is because even tho I see my legs, some other people can't. I seemed to be able to fix the issue by wearing a different shorts alpha to the one provided. Honestly though, this item is worth a lot more than L$50.
Perfect shorts
In reference to the review below. The bug described is probably caused by a texture cache issue (which is actually client side). The alpha layer works perfectly, and it works as seen on the picture.
Nice Clothes
Nice clothes, but the alpha of the shoes disappear me all the legs :/