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KTC Spy camera HD Version 5.11

KTC Spy camera HD
KTC Spy camera HD
9 Reviews

KTC Spy camera HD is a networked system detection system which can detect avatars everywhere on the world. It is provided with one server and a copy camera. Each camera records detected avatar names with date, time and location (Customizable) and send detections to the server. Next, the server sends you by e-mail detections list everyday.

KTC Spy camera HD complies with the sim resources: 128 KB of memory maximum (CPU time: 0.004 ms) for the server and 128 KB of memory maximum (CPU time: 0.004 to 0.009 ms following the detection mode) for each camera.

System limitations
In "Spheric" detection mode, only 16 avatars can be detected at the same time.

- Configuration by menu (no notecard)
- 4 detection modes: Spheric, unique parcel, all parcels you own or full sim
- Full detection volume up to 4,096 m for parcel(s) or sim modes
- Adjustable radius from 1 to 96 m for spheric detection
- Ajustable time zone for detection time with Daylight Saving Time (DST) for all countries*
- Detections sent to the server every 10 minutes
- Ignore list (Up to 10 avatars)
- Ability to turn off the camera
- Ability to hide the camera
- Owner or group management
- Ability to reset the camera to default parameters
- "KTC Detection radius simulator" tool included (Allows to see the real detection radius for spheric mode)

- Configuration by menu (no notecard)
- Ability to send detections by e-mail everyday at midnight (SL Time)
- Ability to view detections list locally
- Ability to clear manually the detections list
- Ability to reset the server to default parameters
- Can store up to about 500 detections (Newest replace oldest beyond if detections are not sent by e-mail)
- Owner or group management
- Menus, messages and user manual in English
- Free and unlimited updates

* Except: Antarctica, Australia, Brazil, Chile, Fiji, Namibia, New Zealand, Paraguay, Samoa and Uruguay

- 1 prim (Mesh)
- Modify (Except scripts)
- Copy
- No transfer
- 2 scripts

- 1 prim (Mesh)
- Modify (Except scripts)
- Copy
- No transfer
- 2 scripts

See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star empty star
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not a bad looking setup but.......
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted December 06, 2017 by DarkShadow666666

this camera system would be nice if I could figure out how to set it up and get it working..

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L$ 699

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Sold by: Kimpa Tammas

Unpacking Required

This item requires you to find a place in Second Life (like a Sandbox) to unpack and use it.

  • Copy
  • Modify
  • Transfer
  • User Licensed
See product details for permissions info
Automatic redelivery
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Land Impact: 1