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Kawaii pantsu pack

Kawaii pantsu pack

9 cute underpants pack.
Sexy underwear is boring, the game is full of it, but is really hard to find cute underwear so i made this for every kawaii pantsu lover like me :D

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full star full star full star empty star empty star Publié le 25/6/2010 de Kizzy Petras

The way the crotch is "cut" will only look logical if you have extremely skinny legs. If not, then they just don't look right.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 23/12/2009 de Irina Larnia

Very cute,I'm very happy of that purchase, great work :)

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 16/9/2009 de Kianta Silverfall

Very, very cute, the idea, is really nice.
The textures are kawaii.

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 8/2/2009 de Borealis Karski

These are really *really* cute, and totally worth the price! I've even gotten friends of mine to join XstreetSL just so they could but them ^_^. I wish I could find more like this on the grid or on Xstreet!

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full star full star full star full star empty star Publié le 21/12/2008 de Mercy Cazalet

I love how cute these are! I think if I could say anything negative at all it would be that I wish they showed a little bit more peeking from the top of my jeans a lil more. other than that, i love them!

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full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 12/9/2007 de Genesis Barthelmess

There is a startling lack of underpants that make a girl feel cute in Second Life. Everything is either lace or an obscene color that is cut far to high. While thats fine for some things, its nice to have something you can wear everyday.
Not only are these panties modest, and adorable, but I've found that they also work with some of my more risque outfits. The hint of pink cherries flashing from the side of my skirt slit gets more attention than the same lacy nightmares that everyone else wears.

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