These tattoos only work with the avatar kemono of Utilizator , if you want you can get it here: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/UTILIZATOR-Kemono/6070005
But if you do not have the avatar kemono please DO NOT BUY this product.
1.- Copy your body an rename it to differentiate it from the original, to somethin like "Avatar 2.0 Tattoo layer"
2.- Undress your original body and just let dress your tattoo layer.
3.- Apply the tattoos with the applier
If you use rei's chest, male chest or another mod for kemono:
1.- Do a copy of your mod too as a tattoo layer.
2.- Edit it and in the content mirror delete the scripts of your tattoo layer (the copy of your mod)... PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE SCRIPTS OF YOUR ORIGINAL MOD.
3.- apply the tattoo with your applier