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Konoha - Oriental Willow - Salix goppi [vcp.006]

Konoha - Oriental Willow - Salix goppi [vcp.006]

A set of willow trees with two separate set of stem textures.

Foliage textures include all seasons including winter. You can access the textures through a scripted menu which will pop up if you click on the mesh (Please test them out at the in-world store before buying)

Tree 1 : 20 Li
Tree 2 : 12 Li

All the trees (excluding the script ) are completely modifiable, copiable and you are free to edit them. In fact i would urge you to edit them and even combine them in various forms to develop your own unique set of trees. I would be happy to show you how to edit them, if you do need me to :)
Please visit the in-world store and have a look at the trees before buying them. The scripted menu has open access to everyone, so do feel free to test out the various texture sets as well as the various features of the script.

SLurl : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Whitlock/127/164/2603
Scripted features include :
1. Randomization of texture sets within seasons when you have multiple trees rezzed in a region.
2. Ability to limit the effective range of the script.
3. Ability to limit the access to the script menu itself, including access based on group.
4. Glow preset option.

100% Original mesh.

The permissions for the MESH are: COPY, MOD, NO TRANS.
For the SCRIPT however, the permissions are : COPY only.


If you find any error, have any feedback or complaints, please feel free to contact Gihn Resident, anytime !

評価平均: full star full star full star full star full star
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full star full star full star full star full star 掲載済み 2025/03/07 : Deliacious

I've been shopping in Konoha since 2023, I can tell this is another underrated store. Nothing can beat my love for your trees, grass, flowers, plants, and everything. Even though they ate up my land impact, I will diminish everything for your trees. They are detailed and realistic, making my second life more beautiful. My suggestion is to promote your stuff more.
