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Kool Server for CasperLet Version v2.45 (Jan 2018)

Kool Server for CasperLet

"Kool Server for CasperLet" is a plugin to allow your rental houses to use Kool RP Doors.
Your renters will automatically be granted access, and they can manage their own access list, leaving you and your managers free of this task.

■ What it does ?

Tenants (main tenant and sub-tenants) are automatically granted access to Kool Doors.

Tenants can add friends on the access list (white list), with an optional time limit. This alternative friends list is independent from the CasperLet sub-tenants list.

Tenants can lock/unlock all doors, for instance to allow everyone for a party, then switch back to private access in one click.

When not rented, managers set if visits are allowed (doors unlocked) or not (doors locked, access to owner/managers only). This option can be dispatched to all servers at once.

Your CasperLet Managers get the full configuration menu on Kool doors.

■ What do you need ?

1. The "Kool Server for CasperLet" script (in this box !)

2. The "Kool RP Door BOX", to build your houses with Kool Doors (to buy separately, see Related Items below). Use last version, free update at my main shop.

3. The CasperLet rental system (to buy separately) https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/CasperLet-Elite-networked-rental-system/2129768

■ How to setup ?

1. Drop the copyable "Kool Server for CasperLet" SCRIPT in each of your CasperLet unit (box, meter...). It automatically finds the next available server number. Ex: first unit will be Kool Server=1, second unit will be Kool Server=2.. and so on (maximum 98).

2. On each Kool Door of this rental house, or at least on the main door, drag mouse off the door to get the menu, set Control Server=n, where n is the same number set on the unit.

If you need to change a server number, click the unit, discard the CasperLet menu, CLICK THE LINK IN CHAT to get the Kool menu. There you can set a new number or list all servers on sim (with their TP links).
On this menu you can also set if doors allow VISIT while the unit is not rented. Click Dispatch button to send this setting to all servers at once.

■ Notes

The system works for the SAME OWNER, You must own everything: "Kool Server for CasperLet", "Kool RP Doors" and the "CasperLet" system from CasperTech.

The "Kool Server for CasperLet" acts somehow like a regular "Kool RP Server". You can mix both in the same sim, yet each needs a unique number. Note that for doors still in Ctrl=Alone (not yet connected to a server), admins/managers are checked on server 1, so it is recommended to always have a Server=1 on sim.

If you need to buy the "Kool RP Doors", know that they can also work without CasperLet. You can use them in stand alone mode, or connected to a "Kool RP Server" for multiple-groups access and more.

For support, suggestion or any issue, contact me Kool Mekanic (and not CasperTech !)
Get free update/redelivery of lost boxes at my main shop

Thanks for reading all this ;)

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Uh... A nightmare
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted March 09, 2022 by Sebastyne Alpha

If you have more than 4 doors to configure, this script is going to make your life a living hell. It automatically assigns server numbers to CasperLet units but not the KoolDoor, which means that you'll get random combinations between the doors. What is worse, you can't manually set numbers, and if it finds two numbers it doesn't ask which server number to update so you'll be going back and forth trying to figure out which door opens with which rental unit.

Your best bet is to rezz all the rental units you need where you need them, check that they have unique server numbers, and only then go set the server numbers to the KoolDoors as you have to do that manually, anyway.

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Works excellent with CaspterLet
full star full star full star full star full star Posted December 30, 2021 by Thunderchild Allen

I've been setting up and test a lot of systems and pushing some limits. April 20, 2021 is the two year mark for all sites setup. I use CasperLet with Kool Server for CasperLet with the Rezzers and Doors. Casper is an excellent product and Kool Door Servers and Scrips make it even better. I've made door

Yes, I put Kool Doors in Kool Rezzers that have been set for specific configurations. Works great in doing region wide swaps.

The scripts work great in the Casper for rentals. I also use the Kool Servers on same regions for game mixes on site. I use the door scripts making builds and may have one or more moving objects in a item. Having separate servers plus with the available configuration options on each door provides a variety of options for any site.

Feel free to visit the Milda Region and check things out.

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Perfect for rentals
full star full star full star full star full star Posted July 13, 2021 by Lava Babii

If you have a place with room and apartment rentals, and you're using Kool door scripts and Casperlet, this script automatically controls access to the doors when rented, allows for visits when not rented. I'm using it a lot and it works without a flaw.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 18, 2017 by Shoma Baxton

I got this system before casper add a door system to the casperlet pack, but i'm finally still using kool doors.
This system is very complete and i feel more confortable with it.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 29, 2016 by Bondi Barbosa

Funktioniert einwandfrei mit den Mietvendoren.

Endlich einmal etwas, was gut durchdacht ist und auch so funktioniert.

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