G Generell

Le Mont - Premium Sax (boxed) Version 1

Le Mont - Premium Sax (boxed)

WATCH THE VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mww6j_UOQT8

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Watch the video, link at the bottom.

Le Mont - Premium SAX

Beautiful model with Bento hands original animations.
Comes with Male or Female hand positions and controlled by our exclusive HUD with 8 dances.
Includes a Sit 'n Play concert chair 6LI
and a deco stand 2LI

For copyright reasons it doesn't come with any sounds.

Don't wait and enhance your saxual life now.

Quick Start:
Add the sax according to your gender, male sax should attach to your mouth, female to your right hand.
Add the HUD
Click on the HUD your gender.
This will trigger an upper body Bento animation priority 5 that you can combine with your AO and your own dances..

Having the Premium SAX added and the upper body of your choice playing, you may need to adjust the instrument's position and maybe even scale it a bit. Due to the enormous variations of body's measurements in SL and SAX needing 3 body contact points it is possible the hands and mouth placement won't appear perfect holding the instrument, you can achieve this editing your arm length, read note card inside the box for instructions.

Additionally you can click on 8 dances included, the 2 trumpeteer dances are original full body Bento hands animations specially made for trumpet players. The rest are dances selected for fun and variety.

Thanks to Cosmeja for her help in so many things I've tried to build and do.
Visit her store "XO- Xtra Ordinary" at: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/138389

And keep looking at what we have to offer to enhance your life at Le Mont: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Citrine/152/147/27

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full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 1.4.2024 von sumile Karas

Awesome detail and nice animations<3

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full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 18.11.2022 von RoloTomari

You can modify it to make it match exactly your size. and the animations are very nice! Good job!

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
Great, but the animations don't match the avatar.
full star full star full star empty star empty star Veröffentlicht 16.8.2022 von Crystal Uralia

I bought the trumpet, concert violin, acoustic guitar and the Sax. The animations are top notch, but I have to take off a LOT for the problem of the animations not fitting the avatar. I still use them all, but that is a serious problem.

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
Good Sax!
full star full star full star full star empty star Veröffentlicht 23.6.2022 von CreamyMuffins

Very happy with these animations. I can use these. Thanks

War diese Rezension hilfreich?
Very Nice But a few things to note
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 27.7.2021 von Vanity Trick

While I'm overall pleased with the purchase and you get your bang for your buck and can't beat the price on this sax, there are a few things to take note of before buying.

1, there is discrimination between the male and female animations, it's not just a difference in size, they hold and play completely differently, which I'm not at all against given that I actually need to use one or the other for my body shape. However, The female playing animation continuously pulls the sax away from the face every 2 or 3 seconds. When saxophone players take a breath, they do not take the saxophone away from their face. If you are playing music along with this despite that this particular sax doesn't come with music like I am, this seemingly minor thing becomes very annoying as notes still playing with the sax not at your lips looks bad. This is a discrepency from the male playing animation, which stays firmly planted at the mouth the entire time.

2. If you are a male avatar and are tall and don't want to be forced to have the shortest midget arms on earth, either this is not the sax for you or you will be forced to use the female animations and a heavily modded/upscaled version of the sax. Luckily it's modifiable and thank goodness for that. Luckily the female playing animations are not so explicitly feminine, imo either gender could use either animations for playing/dancing. But it's something to keep in mind as I was unwilling to resize my arms to being tiny and therefor had to stretch the sax and reed and use female anims which sit lower to make the sax fit my male avatar. Unfortunately that means being forced to have problem number 1. I wish perhaps there were a version of the female playin anim without the pulling away called unisex playing?

Other than that this is a wonderful item to have available and mix with a music player, and I appreciate that it's modifiable, it's beautiful and well animated and the hud makes it easy to use. An excellent product!

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Best customer support I ever seen in SL
full star full star full star full star full star Veröffentlicht 29.6.2021 von Felicia Silversmith

Creator does great customer support. I do recommend him and his creations.

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