Demo available InWorld store
10 Colors Outfit
Corset | Shorts | Cloak | Stockings | Heels | Candy Headress | Gloves | Candy garters
Multiple Colors Combination via HUD
FitMesh for mesh avatars
sizes Outfit
☻ 4 Fitted Mesh for Maitreya/Petite- Larax/Larax petite
☻ 3 Fitted Mesh for Legacy/perky/Bombshell
☻ 2 Fitted Mesh for Ebody Reborn/Waifus
☻ 1 Fitted Mesh for Kupra
☻ 1 Fitted Mesh for Erika
☻ 2 Fitted Mesh for GenX Classic/Curvy
Free Demo available InWorld store - Please try the Demo before buy
- No Refunds For Products with Demo
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Need any help feel free to drop a NC to miamilu InWolrd
Outstanding! Love my Cnady Cane outfit!
Fits perfect on mmy Matreya body, loos wonderfull 10 stars. Great colour choices from the hud too, this creator is so generous with her outfits where most make you rebuy all the different colours they make everything with a HUD. Best clothing store on MP!