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Learn to Script - 101.20 - Flying Eagle Lesson Version 1.0

Learn to Script - 101.20 - Flying Eagle Lesson

Learn scripting, the most fun thing in SL!

Everything you see in SL that does things uses scripts made by users just like you.

You do not have to be a genius, or good at math, you just have to learn how it works, and practice.

This is the second in a series of lessons for beginners.
(It is highly recommended that you be sure to do lesson 101.10 before this one.)

In this lesson you will learn:
1) How to make a new script.
2) What constants, booleans, and operators are.
3) How to use them to make a toggle switch.
4) How to set up your flying eagle!
and more!

You get your own personal lesson presenter, using Presentation Pro technology.

You will work at your own pace with your Presentation Pro presenter with chats and images.

Free updates forever!

Continue your journey in scripting today!

Also makes a great gift item.

Here are the included instructions, in case you wonder what using the presenter is like:

Thank you for purchasing this Learn to Script Lesson by Azn, using Presentation Pro.

The Presentation Pro presenter is easy to use.

Rez your presentation in front of you.


If you do not see the MENU button, at the top of the presenter, then you are looking at the rear of the presenter and you need to turn it so that the MENU button side is facing you.

Click on the MENU button at the top of the presenter.

At the top of the blue menu dialog, you will see some settings: Access, Chat Type, Speed Adjust, and Play Mode.

Press "PLAY" to begin.

The presenter will chat to you in local chat, rez class supplies for you, and tell you when to continue.

If the presenter is going too fast, or too slow, use the SLOWER and FASTER buttons.

This is all you need to begin.

Some other menu options are:

<< Picture and Picture >> to preview the previous or next pictures, and the Current Picture button to return to the current picture. The picture buttons do not change your place in the presentation.

Use the << SLIDE and SLIDE >> buttons to go to the previous or next slides. Do not do this on your first viewing of the lesson or you may skip things, such as your class supplies being rezzed.

On the bottom row, in the center, is the Chat Type Button. It will change the current chat mode to either Owner, Whisper, Say, or Shout. Please set it to Owner if you are in a class or other place where it will spam other users.

That is all you need to know. Happy Learning!

Try it inworld at
Hippo: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Pandorus/94/154/1100
NCI: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/NCIsland/189/33/1287
The sims are G rated.

  • Fun scripting lesson!
  • Learn about constants, booleans, and operators!
  • Make a pretty flying eagle with sounds!
  • Learn to make a script!
  • Uses Presentation Pro technology for a rich learning experience.
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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"This One You Have to Experience"
full star full star full star full star full star Posted October 07, 2022 by Cellar Auster

Everything positive that I have read is true. So much can be understood and learned with this product. With so much having already been said; you would think that was enough. I have one more thing to say: "Buy It", you will not be disappointed.

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Value Product - Must have for script starters
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 31, 2022 by nico Doghouse

Another fun and easy way of learning to script - super explained -worth every penny.

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 23, 2022 by LittleOne Criss

These are so fun to do! Can't wait for the next one.

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What an awesome way to learn
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 23, 2022 by Tini1Rohe

The Scripting lesson is fun and the creator and instructor is quite friendly so if you get stuck or need help you can be sure to get it
Thank you for a fun way to learn

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Second in the series and easy to understad
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 23, 2022 by Leslea Aldrin

This is a really unique way to learn scripting- its very clear and easy to understand, and you can go at your own pace! I have always been very intimidated by scripting, but it might not be so bad after all :) Looking forward to future classes presented this way!

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she is really Awesome scripter ^^ Recommended 100%
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 23, 2022 by Simoo0

I started learning scripts from the creator she is really awesome and helpful ^^

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