Hey stinky!
To use your farts, just add and then click your bum bum ^.^
It will play random varied fart noises and expel a beautiful, colorful bouquet of farticles
many layers blended together, along with the various poot sounds... this farter cant be topped :D
See item in Second LifeBRAAP
now i'm an absolute braap hog thanks to this tooter, thank you!
Such Fun!
We are having a blast with this one, my RL Niece had it and I got one too now, laughed so much <3
just love this...have a pest that wont go away and this is just the best to keep her from being so annoying...love it :) got one for a friend and we are having a blast with it....do not hear sound but still funny
Funny shit (litterally)
This is hilarious.....
i had an issue with it (was my own settings) and the creator came to help me really quick!
and its hilarios to see as well :)
Thank you for the fart,... AND the great service